A boat of Mixed Emotions
Motherhood is an ocean of emotions, mixed feelings and lots of fond memories.
One time you’ll be frustrated, at other times you’ll be grinning from ear to ear, each time your baby makes it all, of magic and less of mundane.
Your child’s first smile, the first-ever word, the first-ever walk cannot be compared to anything. It goes above and beyond even the most remarkable moments of your life.
The first year after having a baby can be life-changing. Getting used to the brand-new baby scent and the soft-squishy cuddles you can’t get enough of. But, it’s also transformative in a way where you as a mother learn so much about yourself as well. Motherhood lets you get acquainted with the many versions of you, you never knew existed. It makes you everything you never thought you’d be.
On the flip side there can also be moments when you feel exhausted by the push and pull of emotions. All you need to know is that you are not alone in this and there’s nothing to ever feel rueful about.

The Sweet Struggles
While there’s nothing quite like being a parent for the first time, there can be moments when you find yourself struggling too. The Good News, however, is that it’s completely normal to feel that way.
Motherhood doesn’t come with a manual. Your experiences while getting to know your baby, shape you into the kind of mother that you become. Nothing can ever prepare you for the deep, unconditional love for your little bundle of joy and it all just comes organically, whenever it does.
When baby fever locks you firmly in its grip, do something that uplifts you and provide you with the solidarity you need in your new mom years.
That being said, just know that it gets easier and once it does, you’ll realise that nothing will ever come close to the love you’ll always have for your little one.
Love for a baby involves more than just the motherly instincts that fill your heart the second you see your baby for the first time.
The arrival of a newborn is a huge responsibility and involves the development of a sequence of physical as well as emotional changes that govern the child’s overall development.

Keys to Practical Development of Babies
Language and motor skills:
As soon as the baby is born, the most a baby looks at is a human face. Right after the birth of your baby start communicating with them. Sing lullabies, talk even if it doesn’t make any sense and smile a lot. This will enhance the baby’s ability to reciprocate only a couple of months after birth.
Development of sight and senses
We may not even realise but a baby’s ability to hear, see and understand is more than we would like to think. By the time a baby is 2 or 3 months old, they develop the ability to feel textures, distinguish between smells and recognize faces. The role of Nature in this aspect comes into play. Taking your child out every day, even if it is for a few minutes is advisable. Exposing them to different sights and smells enhance their intelligence and sharpen their ability to differentiate.
Getting the baby introduced to colours and concepts
We often underestimate the importance of toys. But by the time a baby is 6 months old, they develop certain motor skills. Their ability to sit and hold things gets to a certain level. This is the best time to get them acquainted to colours, concepts, shapes and patterns. There are so many toys that can be quite a surprise for them, which may contribute to their intelligence is enhanced. With times changing, there are a host of options for baby toys and you can definitely put them to the best of use for your little one.
4. Nutritional Balance
Breast milk can be the source of nutrition for babies as long as a mother and a baby want. But normally a baby consumes breast milk for up to 12 months after birth. By about 6 months after being born, the baby can be introduced to mild solids as their iron stores by then are low and extra foods will be needed to prevent deficiencies. Introduce your baby to foods of different kinds, consult a paediatrician and ask them the correct intake for everything that you intend to give to your baby. This is also the best way to explore your baby’s likes and dislikes when it comes to eating.

Preventing rashes from diapers and nappies:
Keeping the baby squeaky clean and fresh is of utmost importance which is why diaper check every hour of every day is necessary. As soon as the diaper has been dirtied extensively, make sure to change it immediately as that can become the reason behind the redness and rashes on the baby’s gentle bum area. Make sure to clean the baby thoroughly after they have taken a dump, dry the area and only then put another diaper. Certain diapers can be harmful to the baby’s skin, so make sure that you are using the best quality of best baby skin care products.

Finally, one thing you should never do is fret about the process. Being perfect isn’t what we are trying to achieve with being mothers. All babies have different needs, it’s just a matter of time and patience and you will seamlessly be able to adapt to the unexpected transitions.
When things tend to get overwhelming, just think about the first time you saw your baby and how it was a reminder of all the amazing things your body is capable of. Slowly, very slowly but definitely you’ll get there and raising a child will be worth all the time and patience and learnings that you acquire along the way.
Do what feels right for your child and fall in love with the imperfect portions of bringing a child into this world. For once they start to grow, you miss them being pea-sized.
Our blog brings you varied opinions and latest developments in baby care and products, as well as precautions in baby care products. However, articles presented do not in any way supplement a doctor’s or medical practitioner’s advice and should not be taken as a substitute for medical intervention. The information presented in our blogs is made to be accurate to the best of our knowledge, but errors and variances may occur based on changing knowledge in related fields. Readers must consult with a medical professional for their specific problems and not rely on the articles presented in our blogs, which are meant to be informative in nature only.